12 Tips For Getting A Free Plane Upgrade

Is it possible to travel in business class or first class, even though you have purchased an economy class ticket? The answer is yes!

Airlines have no reason to upgrade passengers for free. However, in certain circumstances, this can happen.

1. Join the airline loyalty program

Most companies have loyalty programs that allow you to accumulate miles and have more or less elite status. By subscribing to it, you increase your chances of being upgraded one day, especially if you travel often.

This is because people who have high loyalty statuses will be upgraded in priority and even if you are at a “low” level of the program, you will still have a better chance than someone who has not subscribed to it at all.

2. Ask when the plane is full in economy class

Despite popular belief, just because the economy class is full doesn’t mean the business class is full as well. And, when the flight is full in economy, the airline generally seeks to accommodate its passengers as best as possible so that everyone has a seat and is comfortable.

So, don’t hesitate to ask if it is possible to be upgraded, even when the plane seems full to its capacity.

3. Focus on your uniqueness

Are you pregnant, have a leg in a cast, suffer from terrible migraines or are you afraid of flying? Capitalize on your condition to let the attendants know that an upgrade would make all the difference for you.

Just be honest, while remaining respectful to airport and airline staff at all times. These people are doing their job and do not deserve to be subjected to a whim.

4. Monitor airline promotional emails

Sometimes, some airlines send emails with promotional offers, especially to offer an upgrade to business class at a lower cost.

So, check your emails regularly, even up until a few hours before your departure. We never know!

5. Complain about the service

In life, you sometimes have to know how to express your dissatisfaction when things don’t go as planned and you don’t get satisfaction. If you are the victim of overbooking, your luggage has been lost or your connection is also overbooked, this is an excellent reason to complain and request (or even obtain) an upgrade.

While remaining polite, let the staff know that you are disappointed. Avoid raising your voice or being aggressive, as this can sometimes attract their indifference. It’s a double-edged sword!

6. Arrive very early at the airport

The number of business class seats is very limited. By arriving very early, or even very very early at the airport, some passengers are sometimes able to get an upgrade. That said, it takes a lot of luck for that to happen.

7. Be friendly and courteous to staff

Some passengers managed to come out on top by playing the kindness card. Being friendly and understanding with staff can, in fact, sometimes pay off!

If ever there were business class seats to give away, the staff may lean in favor of more courteous people.

8. Do business with a travel agent

Some travel agents have influence and a privileged relationship with airlines. They can thus benefit from special advantages for their clients. Thus, if your agent enters a note in your file in connection with your wish to be upgraded if there is ever a place to fill, it may work in your favor.

Ask him the day you buy the ticket, you never know!

10. Travel at the right time

Business class is, by definition, used by business people, so if you’re traveling during holiday periods, the likelihood of having empty seats in first class should theoretically increase your chances of getting an upgrade in the plane.

11. Dress appropriately

Even if the dress does not make the monk, it must be admitted, that we all have a more or less tendency to judge others on their appearance. Being well-dressed for travel can work in favor of an upgrade to business class.

We will give the impression of someone who is used to lounges, who is used to business classes and this can, again, weigh in the balance if a place in this category must be given. If you arrive in shorts and flip-flops, the staff may refuse to upgrade you for reasons of standing; he won’t want business class passengers, who are usually in business suits, sitting next to you.

12. Ask the question directly

Nothing ventured, nothing gained. So, don’t hesitate to ask for an upgrade if you feel like it. Act tactfully and politely to do so: “If there is, by any chance, a possibility of an upgrade, please know that I am interested. »

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